Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Educational Technologies


Some of many free valuable on-line resources I use regularly:

The American Library Association is the major
organization librarians and sets national standards,

innovative ideas, collaboration opportunities, book reviews, grant opportunities, job postings, and many other helpful tools.

Edutopia is very interesting Website with
many useful tools for teachers and librarians
on integrating technology to improve the educational
opportunities, and offers success stories, blogs,

groups, and videos.

Amazon web site offers many books, materials,

and other useful tools for librarians at lower prices.

The AASL organization offers many
tools, tips, reviews, standards, collaboration
opportunities, and is the association group
for school librarians.
Successful sites on AASL Website:

School Library Journal is a magazine that offers
several book reviews, development ideas, professional
development, and has many collaborating resources for

school librarians.

Barnes & Noble is a book store which has
some books that are harder to find and
offers several reviews and incentives for

school and local libraries.

Junior Library Guild is an collection reviewing and ordering
company that is great for k-12 libraries and often send

you catalogs and free books.

Follett is the most used and popular
web based collection development and
review ordering company in Muscogee

County and in the United States.

Bound to stay bound is a book ordering Website that
sells pretty library bound books,reviews, on-going

ordering lists, and other collection materials for librarians.

Cooperative Children's Book Center

The Cooperative Children's Book
Center is a place for book reviews,
innovative ideas, and shared expertise
in children and teen literatures with
awards, book lists, podcasts, and

interesting learning opportunities.

Scholastic provides reading incentive programs,
book fairs, book reviews, and useful

educational tools.

This site is great for collection development
because it reviews all books for children and


Is useful to safely review, provide tips,
and download any internet tools,

programs, and resources.


The local library has many useful books, audio,

videos and materials for free and have many

reading incentives like popsicles on the playground.

Reading Rockets Home

Reading Rockets offers top resources for
librarians, teachers, and families for teaching
reading in fun and innovative ways. This site also
details strategies and techniques for beginning

or struggling readers.


Microsoft education tools on everything
using integrative technologies and tools
to help students in this high tech environment

and prepare them for life-long learning.

Wikispaces are unique because classes and
groups can share ideas, power points, documents,

pictures, and much more.

Proteacher offers teaching tools, blogs,

and lesson plan ideas for every subject.

eHow Logo

Tutorial on how to do everything with

videos and written instructional.


Answers to many questions.

ipl2 Logo

Teen guide to homework help, literature guide,
health and finance tips, and many other useful

tools and technologies for teens.

Helpful guide to MLA and APA citations

for research papers.


Copyright guide to web, videos, music, and other

helpful tools for citation.

FREE: Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - Teaching and Learning Resources From Federal Agencies

Free educational tools like cartoons,
pictures, videos, and documents provided

by the US government.

Helpful cliff notes on most books with

outlines and analysis.

Innovative ideas for creating your own

and do it yourself tools for everything.

Make a 5 minute screencast tutorial on
everything from reading to research, like useful power points

The Georgia Public Broadcasting station
with useful educational games, cartoons,

and TV shows,



Quick and useful research tool of everything the Internet has to offer from the web, images, calendars, books, news, videos, and blogs.

Reading Lady

Useful blog on library skills and tools,

along with reading news.


Tutorial videos on everything! http://www.teachertube.com/ and http://www.schooltube.com/ also offer useful tutorial videos geared more to education.



Tools for teaching foreign languages.

esl-lounge Premium logo


Educational tools for teaching English language learners.



Web search tool just for kids by librarians.


Videos and tutorials with an easy search bar of how everything works.

Awesome Library Education

This site neatly organizes the web into

school subjects and also has a search engine.



Accelerated Reader the worlds most largely used reading software program with AR book finds, accelerated reader tests, reading score categories, and other useful comprehension tools. Widely used in Muscogee County, but it is costly and may cost schools individually due to budget restraints.

LDOnline Logo

Reading, comprehension, and other teaching
literacy tools for students with students

with disabilities.

Books recommended for boys.

Audio books with graphics and pictures
from the books, great for students with
disabilities. Is offered through the
Chattahoochee Valley Libraries Website

free with a library card.

Kenn Nesbitt's Poetry for Kids


Abundant source of different poems for students.

Books, games, activities, lesson plans,
calendars, and other educational tools from

Dr. Seuss.

This is just many of the thousands of free educational tools for librarians available online via the web